Cinematographer Harald Paalgard wins The Kodak Nordic Vision Award!
Kodak Nordic Vision Award
The same jury also chose the winner of the Kodak Nordic Vision Award. The Kodak Nordic Vision Award goes to cinematographer Harald Paalgard for "his sharp and sensitive camera work in Peter Schønau's film The Art of Crying. His images draws our attention to the human being and the human condition, creating a very special mood in this dark tale."
In swedish:
The Kodak Nordic Vision Award
The Kodak Nordic Vision Award på 50 000 kronor tilldelas fotografen Harald Gunnar Paalgard för hans "följsamma kameraarbete i Peter Schønau Fogs film Kunsten at græde i kor/The Art of Crying. Hans bilder lyfter fram människor och miljöer och ger åt filmens mörka historia dess speciella atmosfär."