It's a mystery how Peter Schonau Fog manages to combine child abuse, a study of a rural community, affecting tragedy and black comedy into a satisfying whole, but in "The Art of Crying" he pulls it off. A gently offbeat study of a Jutland family in the early 1970s as seen through the merciless, innocent gaze of an 11 year-old boy, this refreshingly unconventional pic tackles its taboos with
compassion, grace and wit.
Jonathan Holland, Variety

Emotionally devastating and astonishingly mature, this is a unique feature debut. Steve Gravestock, Toronto International Filmfestival

A young Scandinavian genius tackles Bergmanesque themes of family taboos and relationships with pathos, humor, and a loving eye. Chiseko Tanaka, Tokyo International Film Festival

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Dublin Reviews

Danish sneak previews

According to findings on Google has/is The Art of Crying/Kunsten at Græde i Kor beeing sneak-previewed at:

Bodil : Closing film.
Natfilm: Opening film
Gladsaxe Oplysnings Forbund

Lecce European Cinema Festival

The Art of Crying/Kunsten at Græde i Kor
has been invited to:

(April 17 - 22)

In competition.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Guadalajara International Film Festival

The Art of Crying/Kunsten at græde i kor has been invited to:

The XXII edition of the Guadalajara International Film Festival(Mexico) (March 22 - 30)

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Screenings at European Film Market

Kunsten at graede i kor/The Art Of Crying will be screened at European Film Market in Berlin:

Sat Feb 10 13:30
Marriott 2 (E)
Digi Beta

Tue Feb 13 17:00
Marriott 2 (E)
Digi Beta

Welcome to the European Film Market (EFM), one of the top annual events for the international film industry. Since 2006, the central location for the EFM is the Martin-Gropius-Bau, situated in the heart of Berlin within the immediate vicinity of the festival centre. Once again this year, additional attractive space will be available at the EFM Business Offices at Potsdamer Platz 11. The Market’s attractive locations, its productive integration into the Berlinale, one of the world’s largest film festivals, as well as selected co-operations and partnerships come together to make the EFM one of the most dynamic marketplaces for international film.

At the EFM 2006, 264 exhibitors from more than 50 countries were represented. A total of 618 films, including more than 400 market premieres, were presented to professional visitors in 1,000 screenings. The trademark of EFM is the timeliness of the films and projects as well as its close connections to the festival programme: Around 30 percent of publicly screened Berlinale films are presented in EFM screenings.

The EFM offers the ideal infrastructure to inform oneself on the diversity of international cinema, to discover new trends and to strengthen one’s own position in the market.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Invitation to Jerusalem International Film Festival

The Art of Crying/Kunsten at græde i kor has been invited to:

Jerusalem International Film Festival
(July 5th - July 14th)

The Jerusalem International Film Festival - Israel’s most prestigious cinematic event – a ten-day dazzling celebration of cinema. This glorious event held over 10 days each summer, is a highlight of Israel’s cultural calendar, and a well-known gem on the international film festival circuit. Recognised internationally for its unique screening programme, seminars and intimate atmosphere, the Jerusalem International Film Festival is an unprecedented venue for creating and stimulating dialogue and discussion among professionals and audiences from different cultures. Preparations are now underway for the 22nd Jerusalem International Film Festival – taking place from July 7-16 2005 They come from the four corners of the planet to be in Jerusalem: Stars; personalities; critics; directors; producers; festival directors; old friends and new faces…

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Cinematographer Harald Paalgard wins The Kodak Nordic Vision Award!

Kodak Nordic Vision Award
The same jury also chose the winner of the Kodak Nordic Vision Award. The Kodak Nordic Vision Award goes to cinematographer Harald Paalgard for "his sharp and sensitive camera work in Peter Schønau's film The Art of Crying. His images draws our attention to the human being and the human condition, creating a very special mood in this dark tale."

In swedish:
The Kodak Nordic Vision Award
The Kodak Nordic Vision Award på 50 000 kronor tilldelas fotografen Harald Gunnar Paalgard för hans "följsamma kameraarbete i Peter Schønau Fogs film Kunsten at græde i kor/The Art of Crying. Hans bilder lyfter fram människor och miljöer och ger åt filmens mörka historia dess speciella atmosfär."

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Favorits of the head of the festival

Jannike Åhlund

Gör på festivalen:

Konstnärlig ledare(Head of the festival) - har ansvaret för filmprogrammet ? content provider, helt enkelt!

Favoritfilmer alla kategorie(All time favorits): Sunset Boulevard, Återkomsten och Lady och Lufsen (den första film jag såg på bio!)

Favoriter i årets festival(Favorits of this years festival):

The Art of Crying, Children, Ten Canoes, Doften av grön papaya, The Optimists, After This Our Exile, Clash of Egos, The Way I Spent the End of the Word - och i princip hela ANOTHER VIEW-sektionen!

Friday, February 02, 2007

The Art of Crying/Kunsten at Græde i Kor has been invited to New York

The Art of Crying/Kunsten at Græde i Kor has been invited to:

New Directors/New Films
March 21–April 1, 2007

Now in its thirty-sixth year, the renowned New Directors/New Films festival, presented jointly by The Film Society of Lincoln Center and The Museum of Modern Art, introduces New York audiences to the work of emerging or not-yet-established filmmakers from around the world. All of the films in New Directors/New Films are having either their New York, United States, or North American premieres, and many of the screenings are introduced by the filmmakers. Films selected for the 2007 edition include Andrea Arnold’s Red Road (Great Britain/Denmark), Jean-Pascal Hattu’s 7 Years (France), Julia Loktev’s Day Night Day Night (USA) and Peter Schønau Fog’s The Art of Crying (Denmark). See or for details and a complete listing of titles and screening times. A schedule is also available in MoMA’s main and theater lobbies, and in the lobby of the Walter Reade Theater at Lincoln Center. New Directors/New Films is sponsored by Stella Artois and HBO Films. The festival is made possible through the generosity of the Irene Diamond Fund. Additional support is provided by the National Endowment for the Arts, The Junior Associates of The Museum of Modern Art, and public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts, a State Agency.

Oskarshamns Tidningen - review (in swedish)

Genom att skildra berättelsen genom Allans häpna blå ögon skapar Schönau Fog den distans som krävs för att göra filmen The art of crying uthärdig.

Massor av film man bara inte får missa

KULTUR Göteborgs filmfestival är i gång. Den fyller 30 i år. Det firas med pompa och ståt och det märks i programmet. Att bläddra genom katalogen tar timmar och väcker beslutsvånda på snart sagt varje sida. Filmerna som man bara inte får missa är betydligt fler än man klarar av hur man än vrider och vänder sig.

Festivalen i Göteborg är den största i Norden och det är också filmer från vårt hörn av världen som dominerar utbudet. Huvudnumret är den nordiska tävlingen där färska filmer från Sverige, Norge, Danmark, Finland och Island tävlar om Filmdraken (en staty av Ernst Billgren) och 100 000 kronor. Vinnaren utses på lördag.


Oduglig och oälskad

Mörk, men på ett annat sätt, är den debuterande danske regissören Peter Schönau Fogs familjedrama The art of crying. Den utspelar sig i en liten by på Jylland i början av 1970-talet. Elvaårige Allan bor med sin mamma, pappa och storasyster Sanna.

Fadern, som kör ut mjölk i trakten, beklagar sig ständigt över att han är oduglig och att ingen älskar honom. Allt som oftast hotar han att ta livet av sig och lägger sig på soffan i vardagsrummet och gråter.

Allan avgudar sin pappa och gör allt för att hålla honom vid liv och på gott humör. Han vet att det enda som kan få pappan att sluta gråta är att storasystern gör honom sällskap på soffan - under täcket. Och vill inte Sanna tänker Allan göra det själv. Pojken inser förstås inte riktigt följderna av sina handlingar.

Genom att skildra berättelsen genom Allans häpna blåa ögon, som plirar genom ett par stora brillor, skapar Schönau Fog en distans och mörk humor som krävs för att göra tragedin uthärdlig - och faktiskt mycket rolig mellan varven, men det är skratt som fastnar i halsen.


af Mikael Hagner/Oskarshamns Tidningen