compassion, grace and wit. Jonathan Holland, Variety
Emotionally devastating and astonishingly mature, this is a unique feature debut. Steve Gravestock, Toronto International Filmfestival
A young Scandinavian genius tackles Bergmanesque themes of family taboos and relationships with pathos, humor, and a loving eye. Chiseko Tanaka, Tokyo International Film Festival
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Special mention in Motovun, Croatia
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Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Etiketter: Awards, Motovun Film Festival
Friday, July 13, 2007
Warsaw International Film Festival
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Friday, July 13, 2007
Etiketter: Festivals, Warsaw International Film Festival
The Norwegian International Film Festival
The Art of Crying - Kunsten å gråte i kor has been selected to the main programme of The Norwegian International Film Festival in Haugesund 17. – 24. august 2007.
And will have a cinematic release in Norway 21. of september. SF Norge.
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Friday, July 13, 2007
Etiketter: Festivals, Norwegian International Film Festival
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Peter Schønau Fogs debutfilm 'Kunsten at græde i kor' har netop vundet i kategorien 'Bedste udenlandske film' samt Runner-Up priserne for 'Bedste film' og 'Bedste børneskuespiller' (til Jannik Lorenzen), og er nu oppe på 16 priser i alt.
Der er tale om de såkaldte PROSKARS som uddeles af ifbm. Seattle Film Festival, hvor 'Kunsten' vandt tre priser ud af sine i alt fire nomineringer (Jannik Lorenzen var også nomineret for sin rolle som ALLAN i kategorien BEST DEBUT ACTOR).
Steve Clare, editor for PROST AMERIKA!, skriver i sin annoncering bla.:'Art of Crying won the PROSKAR for Best Foreign Language Film. Just as impressively, it won the Runner Up for Best Film altogether, which is an incredible achievement for a film in Danish with subtitles.'
Og fortsætter: 'Let's not forget the very talented Jannik who carried off the Runner Up for Best Child Actor. The first of many awards for him I think.'
'Kunstens' to børneskuespillere, Jannik Lorenzen der spiller Allan og Julie Kolbech der spiller storesøster Sanne, er begge blevet castet i lokalområdet, hvor 'Kunsten' er blevet optaget. Forud for optagelserne har de modtaget undervisning og coaching af skuespiller Sarah Boberg, og opbyggede et 3.persons forhold til deres roller. Dette har givet en professionalisme og troværdighed i deres arbejde, som mange har beundret.
PROSKARS nomineringer & priser:
1) The Art of Crying for BEST FILM - Runner Up
2) The Art of Crying for BEST FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM - Vinder
3) Jannik Lorenzen for his role as ALLAN for BEST CHILD ACTOR - Runner Up
4) Jannik Lorenzen for his role as ALLAN for BEST DEBUT ACTOR - Nomineret
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Thursday, July 12, 2007
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Kunsten at græde i kor wins award in Brussels
Prime Award for Best Film
5.000 € (distribution value) – chosen by the audience to
« The Art of Crying »
by Peter Schonau Fog
(Denmark - 2006)
The award was hand over by Philippe De Beer, Loyalty Program Manager de Prime
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Saturday, July 07, 2007